MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses have helped people get better access to quality education from prestigious universities like Harvard or MIT. These online courses are empowering individuals, and are helping them build and scale impressive careers. MOOCs have helped people all across the globe, regardless of race and location, educate themselves. MOOCs have a lot to offer for everyone; it brings substantial education for everyone who aspires to have a successful and rewarding career. MOOCs can also help with education at a large-scale, by providing quality content to a wide range of individuals, across all economic strata and geographical locations. Learn From Renowned Global Institutions Most of the MOOC instructors are experienced SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) in their field. By enrolling in a MOOC, you are getting the opportunity to learn from one of the leading veterans in an industry. These MOOC instructors are also decorated professors, usually employed in one of the prominent global educational institutions. Learn At Your Convenience Since most of the MOOCs are online courses, there is a lot of flexibility on how you complete these courses. You can study and finish your MOOCs at your own pace, and at your own convenience. This comes as a boon for many working professionals who find it hard to juggle a full-time job and additional classes. By resorting to MOOCs, these employees can safely upskill without jeopardizing their professional careers. Freedom from Financial Obligations Countless students and professionals wish to take up further studies but are unable to follow this dream due to expensive fees and resources that a full-time higher education demands. In such scenarios, a MOOC is a literal god-sent. Most MOOCs are very economically priced, which are easily affordable by the majority of the audience. Networking and Career Growth Knowing the correct person at the right time can do wonders for anyone. MOOCs provide a common platform for millions of like-minded, talented individuals to connect and interact with each other and pursue their education and passions. Stand Out from your Peers with an Extra Skillset In the eyes of a potential recruiter, your resume is your spokesperson. When you constantly upskill and update your knowledge, your resume starts to look more attractive to recruiters. You start becoming more and more employable from the hirer’s point of view than the rest of the applicants who might have a similar degree and experience. No Eligibility Criteria; Open for All A MOOC is an open learning platform, accessible by everyone. Anyone who has a strong will to learn and upskill, and has access to a computer or laptop with decent internet connectivity can opt for MOOC learning. Hence, you can continue your education at your own pace and convenience. Better Interactivity and Learning Today’s learners are searching for educational platforms that will help them practise what they learn practically. Instead of rote learning, more and more learners are opting for interactive learning, as interactivity leads to an improved understanding of the topics, and hence leads to better retention. MOOCs are one of the best examples of interactive learning available today. In today’s world, big data, Hadoop, digital marketing, AI, Genetics, are touted as growing sectors which are expected to earn you fortunes. MOOCs are specifically created to cater to the demand for better education sources in these fields. If you are planning on pursuing a steady and paced career growth in these fields, MOOCs are something that you definitely can’t ignore. MOOCs help you find, explore and acquire a wide variety of skills and knowledge that employers look for while hiring. Hence, build a better career, and scale up faster with MOOCs, and become the best possible candidate for any organization you want to work with!

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